May 2018

Crystal Clear Pools and Spas is thrilled to announce our partnership with Pool Safely as a Campaign Safety Leader! In our new role, we will continue to share information and tips to help you keep your pool or spa safer for everyone. At Crystal Clear Pools and Spas, it is our...

Austin and Central Texas have seen rain off and on throughout the last few months and it looks like we’re going to continue to have rain on and off for the next few weeks. As you’ve likely noticed, rainwater clouds pool water. There are several steps you can take after...

Last year, we created a blog post, Celebrate Easter By Your Swimming Pool, that outlined our recommendations for how to make your backyard oasis the centerpiece of your time with family and friends over Easter. This year, we’re focusing on how our Jewish friends can use their swimming pool to make Passover...

  Resolve to Pool Safely This Year   Pool safety may not have been top of mind when you created resolutions for 2018, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t have been. Are you doing everything you can to keep your family, friends, and fur babies safe in and around your pool? Make...

It was raining cats and dogs last weekend – is there a cat in your pool? After one of our infamous Austin rainstorms, it’s important to immediately remove all debris, as well as check your chemical levels. Here are some things to consider before jumping back in the pool today:…...

Spring Break is just around the corner, spring has arrived (although some days are warmer than others, so why not plan a staycation that will show your family how much fun can be had at home and around town. Here are 6 ideas for staycation fun that will leave your family...

Crystal Clear Pools and Spas proudly offers the leading eco friendly options for your pool or spa. Schedule an appointment with a swimming pool specialist at (512) 339-9304 to learn more about these efficient, cost-effective products. Today, we want to tell you about PureWhite 2 LED Replacement White In-Ground Pool...