11 Jan 3 Unique Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Using Your Swimming Pool
January 17th is Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. This means that 17 days after setting your New Year’s resolutions, you’re over them. Done. Finito. Time to get back to the habits you had before you tried to make all of your changes at once. But, what if, you could take advantage of this moment of change to change for the better? And, what if you could transform your life with just a little creativity?
You. Absolutely. Can.
Here are 3 unique ways to keep your New Year’s Resolutions using your backyard and swimming pool:
New Year’s Resolution #1:
“I will bring more peace into my life.”
Create a Meditation Spot as Your Go-To Place for Stress Relief and Serenity
While it may not be the most common New Year’s resolution, stressing less is something we all want to work on. With a resolution devoted to finding peace and serenity, you’ll be well on your way to lowering your stress levels.
What’s great is that you don’t have to leave your home to retreat to a tranquility sanctuary. Your backyard and swimming pool can provide the sanctuary you need to manage stress both when you need quick stress-relief and for your long term stress management practice.
So, create a special meditation spot near your pool that includes comfortable cushions, a potted fruit tree, a chiminea for cold days, and the backdrop of the soothing sound of water emanating from your pool. For the final touch, add additional calming items that work for you (i.e., candles, music).
Then, sit down, breathe, and relax. Namaste.
New Year’s Resolution #2: “I will incorporate fun into my life.”
Engage in Play with Swimming Pool Toys
As adults, life can get pretty serious serious. While we’re relaxing in our meditation spot for our first New Year’s Resolution, for our second New Year’s Resolution, we’re lightening our load by engaging in play with pool toys. As adults, we can have fun, laugh, and play in our swimming pool as well.
Pong enthusiasts can have fun and let off steam with swimming pool ping-pong or beer pong. Alternatively, for the adventure seeker…did you know there’s such a thing as a poolside rock climbing wall? And, for those who want to sit and chill out, you can grab a “floating aqua table” and play cards with friends and family. However you choose to incorporate your swimming pool into your New Year’s resolution to have more fun, using your swimming pool to help you play more can be a great way to enjoy your life.
New Year’s Resolution #3: “I will exercise more.”
#3 Achieve Your Exercise Goals With Pool Planks
You’ve already heard about the benefits of swimming. Maybe your swimming pool doesn’t work for laps or you don’t like swimming laps. Or, perhaps you want to diversify your workouts. Your New Year’s Resolution to exercise more can act as a motivator to do more than swim in your pool.
There are many great exercises that you can do in your pool. Have you heard of pool planks? There are numerous benefits to strengthening your core. Pool planks are easy and only need one piece of pool equipment, a pool noodle. Here’s how to do a pool plank:
- Step 1: Stand on the pool floor.
Step 2: Hold your “noodle” vertically in both hands.
- Step 3: Press the noodle straight down into the water and lean forward until your body is on an even incline. (Your head stays out of the water.)
- Step 4: Try to keep yourself stable for 1 to 2 minutes.
Once you’ve seen how easy it is to incorporate pool planks into your exercise routine, add another pool exercise. There are lots of great pool exercises. Here are 8 from Everyday Health.
With your backyard swimming pool and 3 New Year’s resolutions that are easy to incorporate into your regular routine, you can truly transform your life. Let us know what New Year’s resolutions work for you. If you try any of the above, we’d love to hear what worked and what fell flat. There’s always room for improvement!
Love the life you live – live the life you love.
Happy New Year from Crystal Clear Pools and Spas!
About Crystal Clear Pools and Spas
With over 34 years serving Central Texas, Crystal Clear Pools and Spas provides a superior experience in pool repair, pool cleaning, pool renovation, and pool maintenance. Our swimming pool and spa services extend to most communities in the Greater Austin area, including Buda, Cedar Park, Georgetown, Kyle, Lakeway, Pflugerville, Round Rock, Westlake, and other surrounding areas.
Whether you need a new swimming pool, want to renovate an old pool, or are looking for an immaculate pool cleaning, we’re the experts to call. Our goal at Crystal Clear Pools and Spas is to make it so that all you need to do is swim, relax, and enjoy! We are thrilled to make service calls to provide premier quality pool cleaning and system maintenance wherever and whenever you need us.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook for information on keeping your swimming pool ready for fun with ideas for pool parties, pool maintenance, pool safety, and pool exercise along with a few pictures of cute animals swimming in pools.